Qualification and Control/en

Материал из virtonomics

Subdivision Efficiency

Performance of every subdivision is characterized by its overall efficiency. Efficiency particularly depends on the following: efficiency of equipment, staff, main office for the region the subdivision is located in and Top Manager's relevant skill level. Low efficiency can be compensated by raising Top Manager's skill. Efficiency can't go past 100%.


Suitable equipment is necessary to ensure the work of your subdivision. If your subdivision has high technology level, you'll need to buy equipment of high quality accordingly. Equipment and animals are the both an economical good, therefore can be produced. You can produce them by yourself or buy them from other players.

Equipment requirements (considering technology level):

Level of technology Required quality of equipment Level of technology Required quality of equipment
1 1,00 11 17,77
2 2,30 12 19,73
3 3,74 13 21,71
4 5,28 14 23,73
5 6,90 15 25,78
6 8,59 16 27,86
7 10,33 17 29,96
8 12,13 18 32,09
9 13,97 19 34,24
10 15,85 20 36,41

Requirements for equipment for factories manufacturing equipment (machines, instruments, sawmills and mining equipment) are reduced by one level. In addition, the requirements for the quality of equipment lowers the high level of Top Manager's skill in a specialized field (“Production” for factories, “Mining” for mines, etc.).

The equipment wears out over time and needs to be repaired. Wear and tear of equipment is charged evenly on all equipment installed at the business unit. For example, 15% wear means that each machine is 15% worn out. Therefore, when writing off part of the equipment, the percentage of wear and tear of the remaining equipment will not change.

Equipment with a high degree of wear and tear is less productive. In addition, a high level of equipment wear and tear can reduce the efficiency of the subdivision. It can be reduced by equipment repair. In this case, the percentage of wear is reduced for all machines at the same time. Depreciation of equipment is calculated on the basis of the standard service life of the equipment:

  • 10 virtual years for machinery, sawmills, mining equipment, medical equipment and simulators,
  • 12 virtual years for tractors,
  • 5 virtual years for computers,
  • 7 virtual years for devices.

High quality equipment wears out more slowly, but only if the skill level of the personnel corresponds to its quality.

On livestock farms, the effectiveness of equipment (animals) depends only on their health.

Removing machinery allows you to get rid of unnecessary equipment. For example, it will allow you to make space for higher level of equipment if you are increasing the level of technology of the subdivision.


The number of employees, required for 100% production load depends on several factors: size of subdivision and sufficient quantity of equipment.

Manpower is not the same in all countries and regions, since education levels are different. Therefor, qualification level is not the same in all cities. On the other hand, staff qualification depends on the actual salary level. Higher salary will allow you to hire employees with higher qualification in any city. An alternative to raising salary is training of employees, described below.

Average qualification level depends on education. Employees with qualification equal to the city average, can receive average salary (for the current type of subdivision).

The cost of hiring employees depends on the salary at respective subdivision. If the salary is less than the average city level, then for each employee an amount equal to 1/2 of the average city salary is taken. Also, this accrual scheme is used when hiring workers for an empty enterprise. If the salary at the enterprise is higher than the average city level, then when hiring new employees, 1/2 of the current salary is taken. Upon dismissal of employees, the full weekly amount of the current salary is charged once.

Salary level depends on the type of subdivision:

Type of subdivision Average salary
Farms and plantations 50%
Production facilities 70%
Animal farms 100%
Retail stores 100%
Service industry, restaurants 100%
Offices 150%
Powerplants 250%
Laboratories 400%
Medical facilities 400%

Employee qualification influences the production efficiency and depends on the technology level of the subdivision — higher technology level requires higher quality of equipment and thus higher qualification of employees.

In stores, the minimum qualification requirements for sellers depend on the city (the richer the city, the higher the requirements), location and product range (the most expensive product on the shelves is determined - it determines the kind of prestige of the store; the more expensive the “prestige” product is, the higher the minimum requirements to sellers). It should be noted that the fulfillment of the minimum requirements for sellers provides 100% of staff efficiency, but does not always provide the maximum elite level of service in the store.

The qualifications of staff can be enhanced by hiring more expensive and more skilled employees, as well as through training. Training allows you to achieve a higher level of qualification of workers while maintaining an average level of wages.

Before opening any kind of enterprise in a certain city you must study the city population. For example, it is better to place high-tech subdivisions or an office in a city with highly educated population. However, it won't make sense to place a low-tech subdivision in a city with expensive and well educated population.

Training allows you to raise the level of qualification of employees in the enterprise while maintaining the current level of wages. Training is conducted for all workers at the same time and does not lead to a shutdown of production. During training, the operation of the enterprise is carried out as usual.

The duration of the training can last from 1 to 4 weeks. The longer the training period, the higher the increase in the level of qualification. The cost of a weekly training course for one worker is 10 city average salaries for employees of this type of enterprise. The qualifications of workers are increasing every week.

In turn, the alternative to training - salary growth - does not carry a positive external effect. This is one of the reasons why training is more profitable than raising salaries. However, the training requires significant costs, so it can be an overwhelming burden for young companies.

Qualification of Top-Manager

Любая компания может иметь в своем составе неограниченное количество подразделений разных типов, размеров и специализаций. Но для управления каждым из них необходимы свои навыки топ-менеджера (собственно, президента компании, коим вы и являетесь). Каждый участник игры характеризуется уровнем знаний в различных областях, называемых квалификацией. Существуют следующие категорий квалификации:

  • "Управление" - влияет на эффективность управления Офисами;
  • "Торговля" - влияет на эффективность управления Магазинам;
  • "Производство" - влияет на эффективность управления Заводами и другими промышленными предприятиями;
  • "Добыча полезных ископаемых" - влияет на эффективность управления Шахтами;
  • "Сельское хозяйство" - влияет на эффективность управления Земледельческими фермами и плантациями;
  • "Животноводство" - влияет на эффективность управления Животноводческими фермами;
  • "Научные исследования" - влияет на эффективность управления Лабораториями и возможность ускорить процесс разработки новых технологий;
  • "Маркетинг (реклама)" - влияет на эффективность акций по рекламе товаров в офисах и рекламе магазинов;
  • "Медицина" - влияет на эффективность управления Медицинских центров;
  • "Промысловое хозяйство" - влияет на эффективность управления Рыболовными базами;
  • "Ресторанное дело " - влияет на эффективность управления Ресторанов;
  • "Сфера услуг" - влияет на эффективность управления Предприятиями сферы услуг;

Квалификации влияют на эффективность работы предприятий, управляемых участником игры. Чем выше квалификация участника игры в определенной области, тем более крупными и высокотехнологичными предприятиями он может управлять. Если уровень квалификации недостаточен, то у предприятий, управляемых участником игры, снижается эффективность работы, что приводит к снижению производительности труда и росту издержек.

Уровень квалификации менеджера компании увеличивается тремя способами:

- естественный рост;
- покупка квалификации за игровые очки;
- бонусами от наград и приобретенных вещей (победы в конкурсах, бонусы диплома МВА и проч.) – бонус отображается в закладке «Квалификации» отдельно от основной квалификации с символом «+», например, «+4», и приплюсовывается к ней при расчете эффективности предприятий.

При обучении менеджера за очки необходимо принимать во внимание, что стоимость прохождения обучении на 1 пункт разнится в зависимости от текущего уровня персонажа в данной квалификации. При этом бонусные уровни не влияют на текущий уровень и приплюсовываются к основному (т.е. если ваш основной уровень 8 и есть диплом МВА, дающий «+2» (в сумме 10), то с вас будут взиматься очки как при обучении с 8 на 9 уровень, а не с 10 на 11).

Стоимость повышения квалификации за игровые очки

Следующий уровень Стоимость повышения квалификации на один пункт обучения (игровые очки)
2 - 9 1
10 - 19 2
20 - 29 3
30 - 39 4
40 - 49 5
50 - 59 6
60 - 69 7
70 - 79 8
80 - 89 9
90 и выше 10

Any company can have an unlimited amount of subdivisions of different kind, size and specialization. However, each subdivision requires its own top-manger, who has skills in a particular field. The top-manager is actually the player of a company itself, i.e. - you. Every player is characterized by certain skills in different qualification areas.

The following qualification areas are available in-game:

   "Mining" — influences efficiency of mines;
   "Stock raising" — influences efficiency of animal farms;
   "Marketing (advertising)" — influences the efficiency of advertising campaign (for brand advertising and store advertising);
   "Science research" — influences the efficiency of laboratory and eventually speeds up the process of new technology research;
   "Production" — influences factory efficiency (and other industrial subdivisions);
   "Agriculture" — influences the efficiency of plantations and agricultural farms;
   "Commerce" — influences store efficiency;
   "Management" — influences office efficiency.

Qualification in general influences the efficiency of a player's subdivisions.

Players with high qualification can manage large and high-tech subdivisions. In case of an insufficient qualification level, efficiency of subdivisions will go down and expenses will go up. There are three ways to raise top-manager's qualification level:

   Qualification grows if your subdivision is working stable and profitable. You can check your qualification level and growth in «My office — Qualification». As soon as the green status line reaches the end of its field, your qualification level will increase by 1 point;
   You can buy game points and spend them on level raising: Choose any convenient payment method in «My office — Buy game points» to acquire the necessary game points;
   Awards and purchased office items can bring you a bonus in qualification level. You can check your bonuses in «My office - Qualification». Bonuses are displayed separately from the main qualification with «+» sign, for example «+4».

The price for one qualification point is not always the same for various qualification levels. Prices to raise a qualification level with game points are always calculated based on the base qualification, i.e. without taking bonuses into account. This means, that if your base level is 8, but you have a MBA-diploma (+2 bonus = 10 in total), you will be considered to have level 8 at the moment of payment (not level 10), and you will pay for the shift from level 8 to level 9 (not from 10 to 11). So, as a result you'll have level 9 + 2 bonus = level 11.

To find out the qualification requirement for the total amount of employees working at a certain subdivision type look at qulification requirements.