Taxes/en: различия между версиями

Материал из virtonomics
(Created page with " ==НАЛОГ НА ПРИБЫЛЬ== '''Налог на прибыль''' -...")
(не показано 13 промежуточных версий 3 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
|title=Virtonomics Wiki-Help - PROFIT TAX, PROPERTY SALE TAX
|description=According to the current algorithm, the tax is accrued only for profits directly to this game recount of goods sold or services rendered.
'''Налог на прибыль''' - это базовый налог, взимаемый при совершении торговых операций (продажи со складов, отпуск произведённой продукции производственными подразделениями, розничные продажи в магазинах) и при оказании услуг.
'''Profit tax''' - is the basic tax levied on transactions (sales from warehouses, vacation of manufactured products by production units, retail sales in stores) and in the provision of services.
По действующему в настоящее время алгоритму налог начисляется '''только''' на прибыль непосредственно в данный игровой пересчёт реализованной продукции или или оказанных услуг. Такой алгоритм исключил вероятность двойного налогообложения при неотлаженных поставках, которые встречаются у начинающих игроков достаточно часто.
According to the current algorithm, the tax is accrued '' 'only' '' 'for profits directly to this game recount of goods sold or services rendered. Such an algorithm eliminated the possibility of double taxation in undelivered deliveries, which are common among beginners quite often.
'''Налог на прибыль (НП)''' рассчитывается по формуле:
'''Profit tax (PT)''' is calculated by the formula:
<big>'''НП''' = ('''В''' - '''СС''' - '''Р''') × ('''Ставка_НП'''/100)</big>, где:&nbsp;
<big>'''PT''' = ('''R''' - '''PC''' - '''C''') × ('''PT_rate'''/100)</big>, where:&nbsp;
'''В''' — фактическая выручка от продажи продукции или услуг;
'''R''' — actual revenue from the sale of products or services;
'''СС''' — расчётная '''себестоимость''' проданной продукции или потраченных при оказании услуг расходных материалов, для предприятий сферы услуг без расходных материалов СС = 0;
'''PC''' — estimated '' 'prime costs' '' of the sold products or expendables spent on the provision of services, for enterprises in the service sector without consumables PC = 0;
'''Р''' — расходы предприятия, не включенные в СС, но снижающие налогооблагаемую базу в данный конкретный пересчёт;<br/>
'''C''' — expenses of the enterprise not included in the SS, but lowering the tax base in this specific turn;<br/>
'''Ставка_НП''' — ставка налога на прибыль (%).
'''PT_rate''' — profit tax rate (%).
Статьи расходов, не входящие в себестоимость, но уменьшающие налогооблагаемую базу:
Cost items that are not included in the cost but reduce the tax base:
* Для производственных подразделений только складские расходы не включаются в СС произведённой продукции, но уменьшают налогооблагаемую базу;
* For production units, only storage costs are not included in the SS of manufactured products, but they reduce the tax base;
* На складах учитываются складские расходы, аренда помещений и выплаты по инновациям;
* In warehouses, warehouse costs, rental of premises and payments for innovations are taken into account;
* В магазинах и на предприятиях сферы услуг учитываются складские расходы, аренда помещений, выплаты по инновациям, расходы на заработную плату, расходы на рекламу, управленческие расходы и расходы на обслуживание (для сферы услуг).
* In stores and at service enterprises, storage costs, rental of premises, innovation payments, salary costs, advertising costs, management expenses and maintenance costs (for the service sector) are taken into account.
Расходы на покупку товаров отражаются в себестоимости не в абсолютных значениях, '''а в соответствии с израсходованным (проданным или использованным в производстве) товарным запасом'''. Таким образом, возможна ситуация, когда подразделение имеет отрицательный баланс (например, из-за больших объёмов закупки впрок), но при этом всё равно платит налог на прибыль.
Expenses for the purchase of goods are not reflected in the cost price in absolute terms, '' 'but in accordance with the used up (sold or used in production) inventory' ''. Thus, it is possible that a unit has a negative balance (for example, due to large volumes of purchases for future use), but still pays income tax.
Налог производственных подразделений '''не может быть нулевым''', даже если игрок, к примеру, реализует производимую продукцию ниже себестоимости. Минимальная сумма налога, в любом случае выплачиваемого с единицы произведённого товара, определяется базовой доходностью производства (см. ниже описание '''ЕНВД'''). В то же время налог со складских, торговых и услуговых подразделений в игре может не взиматься, если в пересчёт налогооблагаемая база меньше или равна нулю.
The tax of production units '' 'cannot be zero' '', even if a player, for example, sells manufactured products below cost. The minimum tax amount, in any case paid from a unit of goods produced, is determined by the basic profitability of production (see the description of the `` UTII '' below). At the same time, the tax on the warehouse, trade and service units in the game may not be levied if the taxable base is less than or equal to zero.
===Налоговые каникулы===  
=== Tax break ===
Каждой только что зарегистрированной компании предоставляются налоговые каникулы длительностью '''26 пересчётов''' при условии, что компания растет умеренными темпами (без вливаний извне).
Each newly registered company is granted tax holidays with a duration of '' '26 recounts' '', provided that the company grows at a moderate pace (without external infusions).
Each company which has just been registered is provided with the right for tax holiday which lasts for 26 updates on the condition that the development of the company is moderate (without external investments).
Each company which has just been registered is provided with the right for tax holiday which lasts for 26 updates on the condition that the development of the company is moderate (without external investments).
Строка 33: Строка 35:
Therefore, during the first 26 updates of their existence companies are taxed according to the following table:
Therefore, during the first 26 updates of their existence companies are taxed according to the following table:
Итого, в первые 26 пересчетов существования компании налоги взимаются в соответствии с таблицей:
Total, in the first 26 recounts of the existence of the company taxes are levied in accordance with the table:
{| border="2" width="40%" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="3" rules="all" style="margin:1em 1em 1em 0; border:solid 1px #AAAAAA; empty-cells:show;"
{| border="2" width="40%" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="3" rules="all" style="margin:1em 1em 1em 0; border:solid 1px #AAAAAA; empty-cells:show;"
!bgcolor="#A7C1F2" align="center"| Ставка налога на прибыль
!bgcolor="#A7C1F2" align="center"| Profit tax rate
!bgcolor="#A7C1F2" align="center"| Условие для налоговых каникул
!bgcolor="#A7C1F2" align="center"| Tax break conditions
!align="center"| 0%
!align="center"| 0%
!align="center"| Активы меньше 2 млн.
!align="center"| Assets - less than 2 mln.
!align="center"| 50%
!align="center"| 50%
!align="center"| Активы меньше 5 млн.
!align="center"| Assets - less than 5 mln.
!align="center"| 100%
!align="center"| 100%
!align="center"| Активы больше 5 млн.
!align="center"| Assets - over 5 mln.
Переход от налоговых каникул к стандартной схеме налогообложения осуществляется автоматически в пересчёт после истечения 26-дневного срока. Каждый пересчет обсчитывается отдельно, то есть если компания в период возможного действия каникул (26 пересчетов) выходит за рамки пограничных значений стоимости активов, а потом возвращается в них, то она снова имеет право на послабления в налогах.  
The transition from tax holidays to the standard taxation scheme is carried out automatically in recalculation after the expiration of a 26-day period. Each recalculation is calculated separately, that is, if the company during the period of the possible holidays (26 recounts) goes beyond the border values ​​of the value of assets, and then returns to them, then it again has the right to tax relief.
Transfer from tax holiday to standard taxation is automatic and happens during the update upon the expiration of 26 days. Every update is calculated separately, i.e. if a company oversteps the limits of the border indices of assets cost during the period when tax holiday may be brought to effect (26 updates) and then returns to follow the limits, the company has the right to get another easing of the taxation scheme.  
Transfer from tax holiday to standard taxation is automatic and happens during the update upon the expiration of 26 days. Every update is calculated separately, i.e. if a company oversteps the limits of the border indices of assets cost during the period when tax holiday may be brought to effect (26 updates) and then returns to follow the limits, the company has the right to get another easing of the taxation scheme.
====Sale of technologies====
====Sale of technologies====
Налог на продажу технологии взимается с продавца технологии в момент покупки. Ставка единая и равняется 7% от продажной цены технологии.
The tax is collected from the seller in the moment of purchase. The rate is single and is equal to 7% from the selling value of the technology.
The tax is collected from the seller in the moment of purchase. The rate is single and is equal to 7% from the selling value of the technology.
====Sale of licenses====
====Sale of licenses====
Налог на продажу лицензии взимается с продавца лицензии в момент установки. Ставка единая и равняется 7% от продажной цены лицензии или, если цена занижена, от одной пятидесятой максимальной цены соответствующей технологии на общем рынке, по уровню меньшей или равной устанавливаемой.
The tax is collected from the seller in the moment of installation. The rate is single and is equal to 7% from the selling value of the license or, if the price has been lowered, the percentage is drawn from one fiftieth of the maximal price of the relevant technology on the common market of the level which is less or equal to the one being installed.
The tax is collected from the seller in the moment of installation. The rate is single and is equal to 7% from the selling value of the license or, if the price has been lowered, the percentage is drawn from one fiftieth of the maximal price of the relevant technology on the common market of the level which is less or equal to the one being installed.  
'''Property sale tax''' is a tax collected upon any kind of sale of property via the '''Enterprise market''' or '''Enterprise auctions'''. The base tax rate is 10% from the selling value of the property.  
'''Property sale tax''' is a tax collected upon any kind of sale of property via the '''Enterprise market''' or '''Enterprise auctions'''. The base tax rate is 10% from the selling value of the property.  
If the receipts from the sale of an enterprise exceed the cost of the enterprise’s assets, the tax is calculated as 10% from the receipts. If not, the tax is calculated as 10% from the cost of assets of the enterprise.
If the receipts from the sale of an enterprise exceed the cost of the enterprise’s assets, the tax is calculated as 10% from the receipts. If not, the tax is calculated as 10% from the cost of assets of the enterprise.
'''Единый налог на вменённый доход (ЕНВД)''' - налог, определяющий минимальную сумму налога от производственной деятельности (не затрагивает торговые подразделения).
'''ЕНВД''' не является дополнительным налогом к взимаемому налогу на прибыль производственных подразделений.
Алгоритм взимания '''ЕНВД''' срабатывает лишь при реализации произведенной продукции либо ниже её себестоимости, либо при реализации продукции с нормой прибыли ниже базовой доходности производства, равной значению установленного для региона процента налога на прибыль (конкретная привязка нормы прибыли к значению налога на прибыль в регионе - условная).
Если производственная продукция реализуется по цене, в которой норма прибыли выше установленного для региона процента налога на прибыль - '''ЕНВД''' не начисляется и игрок платит '''''исключительно''''' налог на прибыль.
'''ЕНВД''' на единицу произведенной и реализованной продукции рассчитывается по формуле:
<big>'''ЕНВД =''' <font color="#FF4500">'''СС × '''('''С'''тавка'''НП'''/100)</font> '''×''' <font color="#0000CD">('''ВД'''продукт/100)</font></big> , где:
'''СС''' — расчётная себестоимость произведённой продукции;
'''С'''тавка'''НП''' — ставка налога на прибыль (%);
'''ВД'''продукт — вменённый доход (%) для конкретного продукта.
<font color="#FF4500">'''Красный блок формулы'''</font> - это налоговая база, определяемая произведением '''"СС"''' (расчётной себестоимости произведённой продукции) и базовой доходности производства, принимаемой в размере '''"С'''тавка'''НП"''' (ставки налога на прибыль (в процентах) в конкретном регионе дислокации производственного подразделения).
<font color="#0000CD">'''Синий блок формулы'''</font> - это собственно налоговая ставка '''ЕНВД'''.<br/>
Ставка '''ЕНВД''' является микроэкономическим рычагом регулирования эффективности разных видов производств.
Для высокорентабельных и массоворазвитых на текущий момент производств применяется налоговая ставка в размере до 1,0 (100%).
Т.е. '''ЕНВД''' начисляется от полной налогооблагаемой базы без всяких льгот.
Для производств, которые, исходя из уровня обеспеченности товаром и прочих аналитических данных в общем по игре, недостаточно развиты, вводятся дифференцированные льготы на каждый вид продукции.
При этом льготы могут быть весьма существенными - '''ЕНВД''' на некоторые виды продукции снижены до 20 раз (при '''ВД'''продукта = 5%).
Для того, чтобы узнать текущие ставки ЕНВД необходимо пройти в раздел региона любой страны и переключится со списка городов на ставки ЕНВД.
'''Common tax for imputed earnings (CTIE)''' of Virtonomics is the tax which determines the minimal sum of the tax on the production activity (is not applied to commercial subdivisions).<br/>
'''Common tax for imputed earnings (CTIE)''' of Virtonomics is the tax which determines the minimal sum of the tax on the production activity (is not applied to commercial subdivisions).<br/>
'''CTIE''' is not an extra tax to the profit tax for the operating subdivisions collected in Virtonomics.<br/> The scheme of collecting the CTIE is activated in case the products are sold for the price which is lower than their cost price, or if the products are sold with the rate of profit lower than the basic production profitability equal to the regional profit tax rate (specific connection between the rate of profit and the profit tax rate in the region is conditional).<br/>
'''CTIE''' is not an extra tax to the profit tax for the operating subdivisions collected in Virtonomics.<br/> The scheme of collecting the CTIE is activated in case the products are sold for the price which is lower than their cost price, or if the products are sold with the rate of profit lower than the basic production profitability equal to the regional profit tax rate (specific connection between the rate of profit and the profit tax rate in the region is conditional).<br/>
Строка 100: Строка 72:
'''CTIE''' for one item of produced and sold goods is calculated according to the following formula:<br/>
'''CTIE''' for one item of produced and sold goods is calculated according to the following formula:<br/>
<big>''' CTIE=''' <font color="#FF4500">'''CC × '''('''PT_rate'''/100)</font> '''×''' <font color="#0000CD">('''IE'''product/100)</font></big>  where:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/>
<big>''' CTIE=''' <font color="#FF4500">'''PP × '''('''PT_rate'''/100)</font> '''×''' <font color="#0000CD">('''IE'''product/100)</font></big>  where:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/>
'''PP''' — calculated '''[[production price]]''' of produced goods;<br/>
'''CC''' — estimated '''[[production costs]]''' of produced goods;<br/>
'''PT_rate''' - profit tax rate (%);<br/>
'''PT_rate''' - profit tax rate (%);<br/>
'''IE'''product – imputed earnings (%) for a specific product.<br/><br/>}}
'''IE'''product – imputed earnings (%) for a specific product.<br/><br/>
<font color="#FF4500">'''The red part of the formula'''</font> is taxable income determined by the product of '''"PP'''" (calculated [[production price]] of produced goods) and basic production profitability which (in Virtonomics) is equal to the '''PT_rate''' (profit tax rate (per cent) in the specific region where the production subdivision is situated).  
<font color="#FF4500">'''The red part of the formula'''</font> is taxable income determined by the product of '''"CC'''" (estimated [[production cost]] of produced goods) and basic production profitability which (in Virtonomics) is equal to the '''PT_rate''' (profit tax rate (per cent) in the specific region where the production subdivision is situated).  
<font color="#0000CD">'''The blue part of the formula'''</font> is the tax rate of the '''CTIE'''.<br/>
<font color="#0000CD">'''The blue part of the formula'''</font> is the tax rate of the '''CTIE'''.<br/>
The '''CTIE''' rate is a microeconomic way to control the efficiency of different kinds of production.<br/>
The '''CTIE''' rate is a macroeconomic way to control the efficiency of different kinds of production.<br/>
In Virtonomics for the productions which are currently highly profitable and massive we use the tax rate up to 1,0 (100%).<br/> I.e. the '''CTIE''' is charged from full taxable profit without any kind of benefits.<br/>
In Virtonomics for the productions which are currently highly profitable and massive we use the tax rate up to 1,0 (100%).<br/> I.e. the '''CTIE''' is charged from full taxable profit without any kind of benefits.<br/>
For the productions which are not developed enough according to the level of supplies and other analytical data we use differentiated benefits for each kind of products.  
For the productions which are not developed enough according to the level of supplies and other analytical data we use differentiated benefits for each kind of products.  
The benefits can be quite significant: CTIE for some kinds of products are up to 20 times lower (when the '''imputed earnings''' for the product are equal to 5%)<br/>
The benefits can be quite significant: CTIE for some kinds of products are up to 20 times lower (when the '''imputed earnings''' for the product are equal to 5%)<br/>
In order to learn the current CTIE rates you need '''Game world''' ► '''World map''' ► '''''Choose any country''''' ► '''''Region''''', and then from the list of the cities switch to the CTIE rates
In order to learn the current CTIE rates you need '''Analytics''' ► '''Macroeconomics''' ► '''''Choose any country''''' ► '''''Region''''', and then from the list of the cities switch to the CTIE rates.

Текущая версия на 16:32, 3 августа 2022


Profit tax - is the basic tax levied on transactions (sales from warehouses, vacation of manufactured products by production units, retail sales in stores) and in the provision of services.

According to the current algorithm, the tax is accrued 'only' 'for profits directly to this game recount of goods sold or services rendered. Such an algorithm eliminated the possibility of double taxation in undelivered deliveries, which are common among beginners quite often.

Profit tax (PT) is calculated by the formula:

PT = (R - PC - C) × (PT_rate/100), where: 

R — actual revenue from the sale of products or services; PC — estimated 'prime costs' of the sold products or expendables spent on the provision of services, for enterprises in the service sector without consumables PC = 0; C — expenses of the enterprise not included in the SS, but lowering the tax base in this specific turn;
PT_rate — profit tax rate (%).

Cost items that are not included in the cost but reduce the tax base:

  • For production units, only storage costs are not included in the SS of manufactured products, but they reduce the tax base;
  • In warehouses, warehouse costs, rental of premises and payments for innovations are taken into account;
  • In stores and at service enterprises, storage costs, rental of premises, innovation payments, salary costs, advertising costs, management expenses and maintenance costs (for the service sector) are taken into account.

Expenses for the purchase of goods are not reflected in the cost price in absolute terms, 'but in accordance with the used up (sold or used in production) inventory' . Thus, it is possible that a unit has a negative balance (for example, due to large volumes of purchases for future use), but still pays income tax.

The tax of production units 'cannot be zero' , even if a player, for example, sells manufactured products below cost. The minimum tax amount, in any case paid from a unit of goods produced, is determined by the basic profitability of production (see the description of the `` UTII below). At the same time, the tax on the warehouse, trade and service units in the game may not be levied if the taxable base is less than or equal to zero.

Tax break

Each newly registered company is granted tax holidays with a duration of '26 recounts' , provided that the company grows at a moderate pace (without external infusions).

Each company which has just been registered is provided with the right for tax holiday which lasts for 26 updates on the condition that the development of the company is moderate (without external investments).

Therefore, during the first 26 updates of their existence companies are taxed according to the following table:

Total, in the first 26 recounts of the existence of the company taxes are levied in accordance with the table:

Profit tax rate Tax break conditions
0% Assets - less than 2 mln.
50% Assets - less than 5 mln.
100% Assets - over 5 mln.

The transition from tax holidays to the standard taxation scheme is carried out automatically in recalculation after the expiration of a 26-day period. Each recalculation is calculated separately, that is, if the company during the period of the possible holidays (26 recounts) goes beyond the border values ​​of the value of assets, and then returns to them, then it again has the right to tax relief.

Transfer from tax holiday to standard taxation is automatic and happens during the update upon the expiration of 26 days. Every update is calculated separately, i.e. if a company oversteps the limits of the border indices of assets cost during the period when tax holiday may be brought to effect (26 updates) and then returns to follow the limits, the company has the right to get another easing of the taxation scheme.


Sale of technologies

The tax is collected from the seller in the moment of purchase. The rate is single and is equal to 7% from the selling value of the technology.

Sale of licenses

The tax is collected from the seller in the moment of installation. The rate is single and is equal to 7% from the selling value of the license or, if the price has been lowered, the percentage is drawn from one fiftieth of the maximal price of the relevant technology on the common market of the level which is less or equal to the one being installed.


Property sale tax is a tax collected upon any kind of sale of property via the Enterprise market or Enterprise auctions. The base tax rate is 10% from the selling value of the property. If the receipts from the sale of an enterprise exceed the cost of the enterprise’s assets, the tax is calculated as 10% from the receipts. If not, the tax is calculated as 10% from the cost of assets of the enterprise.


Common tax for imputed earnings (CTIE) of Virtonomics is the tax which determines the minimal sum of the tax on the production activity (is not applied to commercial subdivisions).
CTIE is not an extra tax to the profit tax for the operating subdivisions collected in Virtonomics.
The scheme of collecting the CTIE is activated in case the products are sold for the price which is lower than their cost price, or if the products are sold with the rate of profit lower than the basic production profitability equal to the regional profit tax rate (specific connection between the rate of profit and the profit tax rate in the region is conditional).
If the produced goods are sold for the price where the rate of profit is higher than the regional profit tax rate, the CTIE is not charged and a player pays the profit tax only.

CTIE for one item of produced and sold goods is calculated according to the following formula:
CTIE= CC × (PT_rate/100) × (IEproduct/100) where:     

CC — estimated production costs of produced goods;
PT_rate - profit tax rate (%);
IEproduct – imputed earnings (%) for a specific product.

The red part of the formula is taxable income determined by the product of "CC" (estimated production cost of produced goods) and basic production profitability which (in Virtonomics) is equal to the PT_rate (profit tax rate (per cent) in the specific region where the production subdivision is situated).

The blue part of the formula is the tax rate of the CTIE.
The CTIE rate is a macroeconomic way to control the efficiency of different kinds of production.
In Virtonomics for the productions which are currently highly profitable and massive we use the tax rate up to 1,0 (100%).
I.e. the CTIE is charged from full taxable profit without any kind of benefits.
For the productions which are not developed enough according to the level of supplies and other analytical data we use differentiated benefits for each kind of products. The benefits can be quite significant: CTIE for some kinds of products are up to 20 times lower (when the imputed earnings for the product are equal to 5%)
In order to learn the current CTIE rates you need AnalyticsMacroeconomicsChoose any countryRegion, and then from the list of the cities switch to the CTIE rates.